Friday, April 8, 2011

Better Measurements

That curve in my beautiful landscaping is driving me crazy!

The curve makes for nice landscaping but doesn't help with square foot gardening. This is one of the reasons that Mel teaches people to build squares! Sigh.

Remember how I said that I measured wrong? Well, the problem is that I measured along the retaining wall rather in the newly created garden space.

The space that I thought looked like this:
Looks more like this:
When we get this all setup (tomorrow!?!), the back garden will be 36 square feet and the front garden will be about 53 square feet for a total of 89 square feet.

In the back garden, I'd like to plant the climbing veggies: tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, etc. I'd like to put the remaining (non-root) veggies in the front garden. The root veggies will go in the planter with the strawberries, which looks like this:

1 comment:

  1. Look at you! I am quite impressed. Did you know there is a homeschool gardening challenge online. If you are interested, shoot me an email and I can send you details. I didn't know you blogged!!
