Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why Do Tomatoes Split?

I have one tomato plant that is producing split tomatoes. The tomatoes taste fantastic, but they are not pretty. The other three tomato plants are producing beautiful tomatoes.

I googled "Why do tomatoes split?" and found a web site titled Gardening Know How. The site explained the problem exactly: "Sometimes, if you have a lot of rain after a spell of really dry weather, you will find splitting tomatoes on your tomato plants" (see

We had a very long stretch of no rain and now it's been raining for the last two days. I think the Gardening Know How web site describes my problem exactly.

However, the other tomato plants are doing just fine. Hmm. Perhaps I've done a better job watering them?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Water at the Base of the Plant, even with the hose

Shannon, you can still use your hose and water at the base of the plant. That's what I do most of the time. I have watered from our rain barrels, but it take considerably more time than watering from the hose. It all depends on my motivation that day!

If you're doing square-foot gardening, water one square at a time. Drench the square and then move on to the next.

Water in the morning. If you forget, then water before dinner. If you water mid-day, you'll lose most of the water to evaporation during the afternoon heat.

You do not want to water regularly after dinner because you could end up with mold. I don't know how often this happens in Georgia, but it's a possibility.

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Lesson in Watering

The boys and I just came inside after watering the garden. It's HOT outside! It's only 10:00 in the morning, and it's already 95 degrees outside!

Last summer and this summer are unusually hot, so the locals tell me. The winters have also been colder than usual the last couple years. As Minnesotans transplanted to Georgia, we are often blamed for the cold winters, but we have yet to be blamed for the hot, hOT, HOT summers!

Anyway, back to the garden. Thermoman and I watered the garden and noticed how things were growing. Thermoman was very excited about all the foods that we get to make. "Maybe we can have a garden dinner some night!" I LOVE his enthusiasm for veggies.

We noticed how tall all the plants are getting. We found peppers, and we noticed that some of the tomatoes are turning red!

I watered the back garden and the peppers, and Thermoman watered the front garden. While I was watering the peppers, I asked Thermoman to notice where I was putting the water. He said, "at the bottom. How come?"

I answered with a question, "What part of the plant takes in the water?"

"The roots."

"That's right. When we water at the base of the plant, we get the water to the roots faster. Also, several plants don't like to get their leaves wet all the time, like tomatoes."

So, remember to water at the base of the plant and leave the leaves alone. You provide the daily (or every other day) water to the roots. Let God provide the occasional water to the leaves!